“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

-Moshe Feldenkrais

  • Functional Integration®

    The Feldenkrais Method®

    One-on-one Lessons

    In the world of private lessons, teachers use gentle touch to give sensory cues to students, creating a sensory experience that the nervous system processes as valuable information. The goal is to transform the way a person moves by providing a personalized, high-quality stream of feedback that helps them "use themselves to move" in a better way.

    1.5 hour | $150

    (Hourly rate - $100)

  • Awareness Through Movement®

    The Feldenkrais Method®

    Group Lessons

    Experience Gentle Movement Practices, Either Online or In-Person
Our movement practices are designed to be easy-paced and verbally guided. Each student receives ample time and space to develop their ability to sense themselves and learn easier, more graceful ways of moving. Whether you choose to participate virtually or in-person, the goal is the same: to generate sensation through movement, which the nervous system uses to reorganize itself. This idea is similar to Functional Integration.

    Check our Events page for group classes and pricing.

  • Shamanic Therapy | Mentoring

    Holding sacred space as a witness for someone’s journey is life-giving. Finding your inner voice and either beginning or continuing to self-reference in order to co-create a health-full routine that embraces your daily life as it is, all while planting seeds for your ideal tomorrow.

    Cody is a Full Mesa Carrier, graduated with Ayllu 4 Sky Spirit Shamans, 2021.

    We will work within sacred space and offer gratitude to Great Spirit and the ancestors of the land upon which we live, and the traditions that have allowed us to pick up our medicine so that we may be helpful guides for others.

    Schedule a consultation below for pricing.

“…compassion, trust, non-judgment and absolute witnessing must be present.”


Photo by Ticia Wigand