You are here. So am I.

Mother Rhythm

“When the sacred is removed, we lose touch with the natural. We lose touch with our natural rhythm, ourselves, each other and our creator. We forget that we are spiritual beings in a human experience.” - Patrick Pinson, The Teachings of the Sacred Drum

Experiencing pain in your body? How about pain in your life?

Perhaps you feel you are out of a natural rhythm and stuck in a rut? Or are you unable to find the perspective to break through, towards a more health-full and embodied life?

The Feldenkrais Method® combined with Reiki and Shamanic Therapies has been helpful to many people suffering from chronic pain, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, creative blocks and beyond.

Client Testimonials

“Working with Cody for the last 7 months has been phenomenal. I was introduced to The Feldenkrais Method® in early Spring 2023 through a group Awareness Through Movement® class, and the way my body responded to the gentle movements and freedom to figure out what worked and felt good for my body, in my space was truly breathtaking. I went on to also do individual sessions with Cody as a way to help my body re-orient to its natural way of being and I have loved these as well. I always leave feeling grounded and more embodied than when I arrived. The Feldenkrais Method® works and Cody’s beautiful healing energy is quite a catalyst to create lasting change.”

- JFG, On-Going Student

“ My experience in working with Cody began with a powerful drumming workshop, followed by Functional Integration and mentoring sessions, and ongoing Awareness Through Movement classes. Over the last 4 months, I have felt a significant amount of empowerment by becoming more embodied. My relationships are in healthier places. The compassion fatigue I was experiencing in my career has drastically reduced. My energy has increased. I’ve also come to feel much more connected to my spirituality as well. Cody’s guidance, knowledge, passion, and skill-level are pivotal and have made an incredible impact on my life. My real hope is for others to find him so they may experience similar profound changes in their lives. “

-AG, On-going Student


  • The Feldenkrais Method

  • Reiki

  • Ceremony | Collaboration

  • Birth Support

“I felt safe and cared for through the entire experience.”


Our Thoughts

Artist Spotlight!

We are surrounded by beauty and creativity and love to support our friends in their artistic and healing pursuits.

Special thanks to Ticia Wigand for donating her epic sky photo to our homepage. Visit her IG for more magnificence of Southern Indiana Skies.

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Somatic Learning & ADHD

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Shedding the Past

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A Doula’s Role

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